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Recent Projects

Doctor's Pass Stabilization Project (2017-2018)

The Doctors Pass Erosion Control Structures Project, located on the downdrift side of Doctors Pass  consists of a total of four components: the rehabilitation of an existing groin, the construction of a breakwater and detached permeable groin, as well as a spur added to the existing jetty south of the inlet. Construction for the structures and south jetty rehabilitation commenced in November 2017 and was completed in June 2018. The erosion control structures are composed of approximately 6,000 tons of armor stone in addition to the existing stone on the southernmost (rehabilitated) groin while the rehabilitation of the jetty required an additional 3,000 tons of new armor stone.

Pre-Construction: August 2017

Construction: December 2017  (Click on Photo to expand)

Construction: March 2018  (Click on Photo to expand)

Post-Construction: May 2019  (Click on Photo to expand)

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