" Restoring Beaches as Natural Coastal Systems "
FEMA LOMR for Lemon Bay Resort - Placida, Florida (2010)
An interior waterway resort located in the Charlotte Harbor contacted H&M to assist in their FEMA flood zone analysis. The client acquired a property with intentions to redevelop the land but was severely restricted. The local building code strictly prohibited new construction in a Zone-VE with Elev. 14, which limited the client’s vision of the property. In an effort to restore the client’s opportunities, H&M analyzed all available topographic data including high density LIDAR survey from NOAA across the barrier island. As a part of H&M’s recommendations, survey data of the property was collected and evaluated. After assessment of the data and preliminary runs of CHAMP model a Letter of Map Revision (LOMR) was recommended to extend FEMA Zone VE-13.
The client proceeded with this recommendation and a full analysis was completed and revealed that the Flood Hazard Zone could be modified into a Zone‐VE with base flood elevation 13 feet NAVD88. This resulted in the property being compliant with building code for construction purpose and client’s vision became reality.