" Restoring Beaches as Natural Coastal Systems "
Our Team

Brett D. Moore, P.E. – Humiston & Moore Engineers
President / Principal Engineer
Graduated with a master in Coastal Engineering from the University of Delaware, Brett D. Moore, P.E.,President and Principal Engineer, has over 30 years of experience in this field.
He began by working 6 years for the state of Florida as a coastal engineer and then with Ken Humiston, in running the coastal engineering department at Coastal Engineering Consultants, Inc. in Naples, Florida. Finally, Mr. Moore co-created Humiston & Moore Engineers with Kenneth K. Humiston in 1991. He has been responsible for the design and the management of a broad range of coastal
engineering projects, two beaches restoration and five erosion control projects by way of example. Mr. Moore participates also in technical conferences, has authored technical papers and is an active member of the local chapter of the American Society of Civil Engineers and the Florida Shore and Beach Preservation Association. Brett Moore was appointed to the Florida DEP Coastal Engineering Technical Advisory Committee and has accepted a board position on the Steering Committee of the State-wide Beach Habitat Conservation Plan development at the request of the Secretary of the state DEP. Mr. Moore has a significant amount of coastal engineering experience and is considered as one of the leading coastal engineers in the State of Florida.

Mohamed A. Dabees, Ph.D., P.E. – Humiston & Moore Engineers
Vice President & Senior Coastal Modeler / Project Engineer
Graduated with a Doctorate in Coastal Engineering from Queens University, Canada, Mohamed A. Dabees, Ph.D., P.E. D.CE., Vice President and Project Engineer at Humiston & Moore Engineers, has over 20 years of experience in coastal engineering. Dr. Dabees is a Diplomate in the ASCE Academy of Coastal, Ocean, Port & Navigation Engineers (ACOPNE), an independent Board certification organization that certifies the competence of coastal engineers in their area of specialization.
The Academy's board certifications are held by a small percentage of all coastal engineers in the United States. He has been working at Humiston & Moore Engineers where he has continued the development and application of numerical modeling of coastal processes. He has provided technical analysis and design for various federal, state and local projects. His work focuses on erosion control, tidal inlets, long-term morphology, regional sand management, beach restoration and coastal structures. His contribution to the research of long-term morphology modeling and application is documented through numerous publications and technical reports. He has completed numerous regional and local modeling studies of tidal inlets and estuaries throughout the state of Florida. Dr. Dabees is recognized internationally as an expert in the field of coastal modeling and has established innovative procedures in evaluation of inlet evolution and stability analyses.
Marc Damon, P.E., - Humiston & Moore Engineers
Coastal Engineer / Modeler
Marc Damon is a coastal engineer who obtained his masters degree from Florida Institute of Technology in 2003. Since that time Mr. Damon has worked as a coastal engineer with Humiston & Moore Engineers, providing engineering support for coastal design, modeling, geotechnical analysis and developing efficient automated data reduction and analytical procedures.
He provides technical support to Dr. Dabees and is proficient at numerical wave modeling using a variety of advanced wave modeling tools including Bouss-2D and SMS with STWave.
Mr. Damon has been working closely with the state DEP staff as the geotechnical review criteria has evolved, has developed efficient automated procedures for evaluating geotechnical data to refine borrow area design and evaluate sand, has been successful in working with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and has obtained approval of a number of requests for Letters of Map Revision (LOMR) in the Naples area as well as other coastal areas in Collier County.
Steve Foge - Humiston & Moore Engineers
Senior Staff Engineer
Steve Foge is a senior engineer with H&M Engineers and has been employed at H&M since 2001. Mr. Foge has been involved with beach and inlet projects taking the primary lead with data coordination and reduction with hydrographic surveyor and aerial mappers. Mr. Foge is proficient with the use of various software programs to generate digital terrain modeling surfaces for analysis of historic changes both along the coastline and volumetrically in project areas such as nearshore, inlet shoal regions, and borrow areas. Mr. Foge is the firm’s quality control engineer on project details and data analysis. Mr. Foge has a strong attention to detail and order ensuring clear and accurate products.
Data transfer coordination and reduction, shoreline and volumetric change analysis, plan development for generation of mapping exhibits, permit and construction drawings and monitoring analyses and post construction reports are performed under direction and supervision of Mr. Foge. Mr. Foge is also proficient with current measurement instrumentation and recorders including velocimeters and acoustic Doppler current profilers.