" Restoring Beaches as Natural Coastal Systems "
Brett D. Moore, P.E., D.CE.
Master of Civil Engineering, 1982 University of Delaware, Newark, Delaware
Civil Engineering (Coastal Engineering Specialty)
Advisor: Robert G. Dean, Sc.D.
Bachelor of Science, 1979, University of Delaware, Newark, Delaware
Civil Engineering, Dean’s List.
1991-Present Co-founder, Principle - Humiston & Moore Engineers, Naples, FL
1988–1991 Coastal Engineer - Coastal Engineering Consultants, Inc, Naples, FL
1982-1988 Coastal Engineer - Florida Dept. Natural Resources, Tallahassee, FL
1979-1982 Graduate Research Assistant – Univ. of Delaware, Newark, DE
Erosion analysis and projection
Formulation of alternative design concepts and feasibility studies
Design of beach restoration, borrow area, sand compatibility analysis
Design of erosion control structures; T-groins, breakwaters
Design of coastal protection structures; revetments, seawalls
Design of marinas and docks
Development of final design documents, including technical specifications for bid
Inlet management, analysis, impact analysis, sand budget
Regulatory Permitting, State and Federal Coastal and Environmental including
Joint Coastal Permitting
Coastal Construction Control Line
Environmental Resource Permitting
As a founding partner of Humiston & Moore Engineers (H&M), Mr. Moore has been instrumental in building H&M, one of the most accomplished coastal engineering firms in the state of Florida, with a reputation both nationally and internationally through a program of development of numerical modeling procedures that have become a practical tool in the simulation of coastal processes along sandy beaches. As a principal of the firm, Mr. Moore has been responsible for the management of many of the firm’s challenging projects. He has remained involved in the technical engineering analysis and design, facilitating and expediting the permitting through regulatory agencies concerned with both technical and environmental issues, while also managing projects, and marketing the firm’s services to municipalities, the State of Florida, and private property owners in a highly competitive market.
Beach Nourishment
Mr. Moore has been the Project Manager and Design Engineer for a number of beach restoration projects including projects involving hydraulic dredging from offshore borrow sources and truck haul projects. These have included the following locations in Florida: Honeymoon Island in Pinellas County, Knight Island in Charlotte County, Lighthouse Point in Lee County, and Hideaway Beach in Collier County and recently the north end of Longboat Key. As project manager and project engineer, Mr. Moore has been responsible for the design, permitting, contract specifications, bid qualification, project construction oversight and project certification. Mr. Moore was also responsible for the management of these projects from the negotiation of the contract, through project design development, final design, construction, and monitoring. Two additional projects under Mr. Moore’s management and design responsibilities include a second phase of the Honeymoon Island Project in Pinellas County and the South Siesta Key Beach Renourishment Project in Sarasota County. The Honeymoon Island Project design and permitting are complete, and the project is scheduled for construction to commence in August of 2014. The South Siesta Key Beach Restoration Project is currently in the design and permitting phase. The offshore sand search and design of the offshore borrow sites is complete. This project is on an accelerated permitting schedule in an effort to construct the project in the winter/spring of 2015.
Erosion Control
H&M founders, Brett Moore and Ken Humiston, are responsible for the development of a unique low profile T- groin design which includes features which successfully minimizes the common and ubiquitous problem of downdrift impacts normally associated with structures. This design has been successfully implemented at seven locations with severe and complex erosion problems, which have been performing very well, some for as long as 15 years. Mr. Moore was the Project Manager and Design Engineer on a number of these successful projects, including the following locations: South Naples Beach in Collier County, Keewaydin Island in Collier County and Honeymoon Island in Pinellas County. Additionally, Mr. Moore was responsible for the design and permitting of a segmented breakwater project completed off Keewaydin Island in Collier County Florida in 2013. Additional erosion control designs have been completed for Honeymoon Island (Phase II) in Pinellas County and the stabilization of Snake Island inside of Venice Inlet in Sarasota County, which was completed in March 2014.
Beach and Coastal Inlet Management
Mr. Moore has been the Project Manager of a number of beach and coastal inlet studies involving evaluation of coastal inlet processes, sand budgets and management of sand resources. Many of these studies are developed in coordination with local communities and other consultants or agencies and their respective programs. Examples include federal navigation projects at Matanzas Pass in Lee County, Gordon Pass in Collier County, Venice Inlet in Sarasota County, East Pass in Okaloosa County, and Longboat Pass in Manatee County. Additional inlet management projects included Wiggins Pass, Clam Pass, and Big Marco Pass in Collier County, Blind Pass in Lee County, and Hurricane Pass in Pinellas County. Each of these studies included assessment of adjacent beaches for comprehensive management of the beach and inlet related system with design that works with natural processes. Separate beach management feasibility studies included Estero Island in Lee County and Don Pedro Island in Charlotte County.
Beach front development
Mr. Moore has been the lead agent on the procurement of over 500 Coastal Construction Control Line (CCCL) permits and authorizations from the Florida Department of Environmental Protection over the past 23 years for responsible development and other activities seaward of the CCCL along the Gulf and Atlantic coastlines of Florida. As part of this representation, Mr. Moore works with a variety of architects and structural engineers to provide design guidance for structural design elevations and scour predictions for 100-year storm events, and suitable setbacks for historic background and projected erosion conditions to demonstrate that the structure design meets State guidelines. Many of these projects include dune enhancement components.
Registered Professional Engineer #37326, State of Florida.
Diplomate in Coastal Engineering, Academy of Coastal, Ocean, Port & Navigation Engineers
American Society of Civil Engineers
Florida Shore & Beach Preservation Association Florida Engineering Society
FSBPA Jim Purpura/T.Y. Chiu Engineering Award 2013: For outstanding contribution to coastal engineering that enhances beach preservation, in recognition of innovative scientific research or for long excellence and contributions in coastal engineering.
Appointed to the Steering Committee of the State-wide Beach Habitat Conservation Plan development at the request of the Secretary of the Florida DEP (2009-Present).
Appointed to the 1999 Coastal Engineering Technical Advisory Committee, chaired by Dr. Robert G. Dean, to advise the DEP Bureau of Beaches and Coastal Systems on management of Florida’s beaches.
Appointed to a Coastal Development Committee in Naples in 1990’s to develop recommendations for the City of Naples in their review and permitting of large scale private home referred to as “mega-homes” within the coastal zone.
Dabees, M.A, Moore B.D. and Humiston K.K. (2004), Enhancement of T-groin's Design to Improve Downdrift Shoreline Response. Proc. 29th Inter. Conf. on Coastal Engineering, Portugal. In print.
Moore B.D. and Humiston K. (2003) Composite T-Head Groins for Erosion Control, Proc. 3rd Inter. Conf. on Coastal Structures, Oregon, ASCE, pp1109
Dabees M.A., Moore B.D. and Kamphuis J.W. (2002), Combining Numerical Modeling and Monitoring Data for Analyzing Coastal Processes and Beach Change in Southwest Florida, Proc., 28th Inter. Conf. on Coastal Engineering, Cardiff, UK., World Scientific, pp3308-3320
Moore, B.D., (1999). T-Groin Design and Performance as an Erosion Control Alternative at Two Florida Coast Inlets. Proc. National Conf. on Beach Preservation Technology (FSBPA. Tallahassee, FL). pp. 187- 203.
Moore, B.D. and Humiston K. (1995) 1994 Charlotte County Beach Restoration: Knight Island, Optimization of Cost, Proc. Conference on Beach Preservation Technology, FSBPA, Tallahassee, FL, pp399-414
Moore B.D. and Humiston K.K (1992) Gordon Pass Jetty Tightening Project, Proc. Conference on Beach Preservation Technology, FSBPA, Tallahassee, FL, pp344-359