" Restoring Beaches as Natural Coastal Systems "
Mohamed A. Dabees, Ph.D., P.E., D.CE.
Ph.D. Civil Engineering, Queen's University, 2000.
M.S. Civil Engineering, Drexel University, 1995.
M.S. Engineering Management, Drexel University, 1995.
B.S. Civil Engineering, Alexandria University, 1988.
2000-Present Senior Coastal Engineer - Humiston & Moore Engineers, Naples, FL
1995-2000 Research/Teaching Assistant – Queen’s University, Kingston, Canada
1993-1995 Masters Candidate – Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA.
1990-1993 Coastal Engineer – Ministry of Public Works & Water Resources, Egypt
1988-1993 Project Manager – DSC International, Alexandria, Egypt
Numerical Modeling of aspects of Coastal Engineering including:
Large Scale Regional Hydrodynamics
Wave propagation, refraction, diffraction
Sediment transport & Beach Morphology Modeling
Inlet Evolution, Morphology and Sand Budget
Coastal Engineering Analysis and Design
Erosion analysis and projection
Formulation of alternative design concepts and feasibility studies
Beach fill design of varying sediment size, beach performance projections
Coastal structures performance evaluation and projection
As a senior engineer with Humiston & Moore Engineers (H&M) since 2000, Dr. Dabees has become a key component to the firm’s continued success which began in 1991.Dr. Dabees is recognized internationally as an expert in the field of coastal modeling and has established innovative procedures in evaluation of inlet evolution and beach morphology modeling.As a highly respected leader in his field, Dr. Dabees has been worked with the US Army Corps of Engineers (COE) Coastal Engineering Research center in Vicksburg Mississippi to provide input on the development of parts of the COE’s Coastal Modeling System.While pursuing his doctorate, in collaboration with Dr. Kamphuis at Queen’s University Dr. Dabees developed the Contour Line Change model NLINE, an advanced proprietary model that simulates long term sediment transport and nearshore morphology over complex bathymetry, nearshore hardbottom and interaction with coastal structures where many commercially available models have limitations. Dr. Dabees’ contribution to research and development is documented through numerous publications and technical reports as well as providing editorial reviews for publications in several reputable journals in the field of coastal engineering.
Model Development
Dr. Dabees has continued to develop and improve the NLINE model’s practical capabilities through many applications of the model in support of beach and erosion control projects over the past 16 years. The model has gained acceptance from State and Federal regulatory agencies through applied design and permitting of projects in Florida, and has achieved international recognition through technical conferences and publications. This model is unique in the capability to predict long-term sand transport and 3-dimensional morphology changes as well as shoreline changes in areas with irregular bathymetry such as inlet shoals and beaches with exposed hard-bottom. This level of detail provides practical economical run-time capability for evaluating long-term beach response to proposed design alternatives. The capability of model in-house model development provide a unique advantage in formulating site specific conditions that may be beyond the capability of the typical user of commercially available models.
Coastal Process Modeling – Beach Restoration
Dr. Dabees has been responsible for the technical evaluation of the coastal processes and historical shoreline morphology as well as the evaluation of design alternatives and project performance for a number of beach restoration projects including projects throughout Florida. These include a highly detailed evaluation of regional and local erosion problems as well as design alternatives for various areas within Palm beach county and the Town of Palm Beach along the Atlantic coast. The detailed modeling included representation of spatial variations in beach profile shape, sediments characteristics, hardbottom and existing structures. Large scale morphology modeling for beach projects also covered large part of southwest and central Florida including, South Siesta Key for Sarasota County , Gasparilla Island for Lee County, Hideaway Beach for Collier County and Honeymoon Island for Pinellas County and the state Department of Environmental Protection Parks Service. The technical modeling and approach has proven very helpful not only in the design but also in the permitting and coordination with regulatory agencies.
Coastal Process Modeling –Erosion Control Structures and Nearshore Hardbottom
Dr. Dabees has completed numerous studies and evaluation of design alternatives for complex coastal erosion problems. For the Town of Pam Beach, regional morphology modeling was completed applying the contour change model NLine to analyze the interrelationship of the Town’s reaches with regional sediment transport budget. Site specific and alternatives analysis were conducted evaluating varying groin configurations and sand sizes. Nearshore morphology modeling in areas of complex bathymetry was applied using NLine for evaluation of alternatives for 2, 4 and 8-year periods using wave records developed from NOAA Wave Watch II database. Considerations in alternatives included evaluation of hardbottom coverage, beach fill performance and groin effects.
A similar analysis was completed for Palm Beach County in the design of a segmented breakwater system. Areas which have extensive exposed hard-bottom in the nearshore present complex conditions for shoreline change and morphology models. Exposed hard-bottom features may affect wave characteristics, sediment transport and morphology changes. The complexity of beaches with nearshore hard-bottom provides difficult challenges to the design of conventional shore protection and erosion control projects.. The developed approach outlined above was applied through the application of a contour line change model NLINE in conjunction with other modeling tools has been effective in simulation of coastal processes along beaches with exposed nearshore hard-bottom (Dabees, and Kamphuis 2006).
Beach & Inlet Morphology Modeling
Other areas of expertise in application of varying models and their respective capabilities have induced regional hydrodynamic models, wave models, and inlet morphology models with coastal process modeling. With the understanding of the strengths and limitations of varying models Dr. Dabees has completed numerous modeling studies, each with well documented validation and project design verification in support of numerous successful beach nourishment, erosion control design and inlet management implementations throughout Florida.
Registered Professional Engineer, State of Florida
Florida Shore & Beach Preservation Association
Member in the American Society of Civil Engineers, M. ASCE
Diplomate in Coastal Engineering, Academy of Coastal, Ocean, Port & Navigation Engineers
Excellence in Engineering Education, Queen’s University 1998
Ontario Graduate Scholarship; 1998-1999; Samuel McLaughlin Fellowship; 1996-1998
Queen’s Graduate Award; 1995-1999; Drexel University Fellowship; 1993-1995
Dabees M.A. and B.D. Moore (2014), EVALUATION OF BEACH EROSION UP-DRIFT OF TIDAL INLETS IN SOUTHWEST AND CENTRAL FLORIDA, USA. Proceedings of 34th Conference on Coastal Engineering, Seoul, Korea, 2014
Rosati, J.D., Dabees, M., and Tanner, W. (2011), Inlet Reservoir Model, Part II: PC-Interface. Coastal and Hydraulics Engineering Technical Note ERDC/CHL CHETN-IV-xx -. Vicksburg, MS: U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center.
Dabees M.A. and B.D. Moore (2011), Inlet Evolution Modeling of Multiple Inlet Systems In Southwest and Central Florida. Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue 59.
Dabees M.A. , B.D. Moore, and K.K. Humiston (2011), Evaluation of Tidal Inlets Channel Migration and Management Practices in Southwest Florida., Proc. Coastal Sediments 2011, World Scientific.
Dabees M.A. and B.D. Moore (2010), Evaluation of Inlet Management Practices at Navigation Inlets in Southwest Florida., Proc. of the 32nd International Conference on Coastal Engineering, China.
Dabees, M.A. and N. Kraus (2008), Cumulative Effects of Channel and Ebb Shoal Dredging on Inlet Evolution in Southwest Florida, USA, Proceedings of the 31st International Conference on Coastal Engineering, Hamburg, Germany. World Scientific, pp2303-2315
Dabees M.A. J.W. Kamphuis and Humiston K.K. (2006), Contour line Change Model for Beaches with nearshore hardbottom, Proceedings of the 30th International Conference on Coastal Engineering, San Diego, USA. World Scientific, pp3465-3477.
Dabees, M.A., and Kraus N.C. (2005), General Methodology for Inlet Reservoir Model Analysis of Sand Management near tidal inlets. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference Coastal Dynamics, Barcelona, Spain, CD-ROM, ASCE, 14pp.
Dabees M.A. and Humiston K.K. (2004), Modeling and Design of new T-groins along the Southwest Coast of Florida. Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue 33: "Functioning and Design of Coastal Groins", Editors: Kraus N.C., and Rankin K.L., pp324-341.
Dabees, M.A., and Kraus N.C. (2004), Ebb Tidal Shoals as Sand Source for Beach Nourishment: Numerical Modeling and Analysis of Case Studies to Provide Design Guidance. 2004 National Conference on Beach Preservation Technology, CD-ROM, FSBPA, Tallahassee, FL, 21pp.
Dabees M.A, Moore B.D. and Humiston K.K. (2004), Enhancement of T-groin's Design to Improve Downdrift Shoreline Response. Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Coastal Engineering, Lisbon, Portugal. World Scientific, pp.2423-2435
Dabees M.A., (2003), “beach Erosion Near Tidal Inlets, Selected Case Studies Along Southwest Florida Coastline. Proc. Coastal Sediment 2003, Clearwater Florida.
Dabees M.A., Moore B. and Kamphuis J.W. (2002), “Combining Numerical Modeling and Monitoring Data for Analyzing Coastal Processes and Beach Change in Southwest Florida”, Proceedings, 28th International Conference on Coastal Engineering, Cardiff, UK., ASCE, pp1308-1320.
Dabees M.A. (2001), “Practical Modeling of beach Dynamics: Application Case Studies of a New Generalized Contour Line Model” Proceedings, National Conference on Beach Preservation Technology, Lake Buena Vista, FL, USA, pp172-185
Dabees M.A. and Kamphuis J.W. (2000), “NLINE, Efficient Modeling of 3D Beach Change” Proceedings, 27th International Conference on Coastal Engineering, Sydney, Australia, ASCE, pp2700-2713.
Dabees M. A. (2000), “Efficient modeling of Beach Evolution” Ph.D. Thesis, Department of Civil Engineering, Queen’s University, Canada.