" Restoring Beaches as Natural Coastal Systems "
Doctors Pass Maintenance Dredging Project (2013)
Doctors Pass is a navigable inlet bordered by jetties and is located in the City of Naples, Collier County, on the southwest coast of Florida. This inlet was created in 1960 and is maintenance dredged on an approximately 3 to 4 year interval. Humiston & Moore Engineers was contracted by Collier County to prepare the design drawing and techncial specifications for the 2013 maintenance dredging operation.
The project was conducted between October 16 and 29, 2013, and included the dredging of approximately 43,400 cubic yards of sand from Doctors Pass, with disposal south of the inlet on the beach between the jetty on the south side of the inlet and DEP reference monument R-58.
Project Tasks Included:
Survey Data Reduction
Construction Plans & Specifications
Bid Documents & Opinion of Costs
Pre and Post Volume Computations
Scope Included:
Periodic Construction Observation
Review Pay Requests
Post Construction Monitoring Report
H&M Staff that worked on this project:
Brett D. Moore, P.E., Project Manager/Project Engineer
Steve Foge, Quality control, data coordination, monitoring & analysis
Michael Mann, Field Engineer, technical support,
construction observation QA/QC compliance.

Post-Construction (December 2013)