" Restoring Beaches as Natural Coastal Systems "
Hideaway Beach Restoration Project (1997-2010)
Humiston and Moore Engineers (H&M) was selected by Collier County in 1994 to prepare the Big Marco and Capri Pass Inlet Management Study to identify inlet impacts and recommend mitigation measures to address impacts from the expansive dual inlet system on the adjacent beaches. Capri Pass opened in 1967
H&M designed erosion control structures for two critically eroding areas along Hideaway Beach. The design was new in that it included a shore-parallel segment to keep sand from being lost to the adjacent deep inlet channel while allowing for sand to move laterally along the beach. A prototype installation was monitored at 6-month intervals for seven (7) years.
As a result of the success of the interim temporary project, the T-groins were replaced with a total of ten (10) permanent structures in 2005. Five T-groins were constructed at the south end known as South Point and five were constructed at the northern end known as Royal Marco Point. This phase of the project also included placement of approximately 260,000 cubic yards of beach fill dredged from the Capri Pass ebb shoal and placed as beach nourishment in the vicinity of the structures.
Near the completion of the 2005 construction project, Coconut Island, which separated the two groin fields was significantly overwashed by Hurricane Wilma and

subsequently never recovered. The central section along Hideaway Beach became exposed to direct wave energy from the northwest and began to erode. An emergency buried revetment was installed along the evacuation route for Royal Marco Point in 2008, and a second phase of the project consisting of 6 additional T-groins and 135,000 cubic yards of sand fill was completed in 2010.
This project is currently the largest erosion control project in the state of Florida. Completion of this project has eliminated the threat of coastal armoring with seawalls within the project limits, and the project beach has had successful sea turtle nesting which continues to be documented and monitored.
Project Tasks Included:
Hydrographic mapping
Analysis of erosion control alternatives
Hydrodynamic modeling
Innovative T-groin design
Construction Observation
Scope Included:
Alternatives Analysis
Design and Permitting
Contract Documents &
Construction Observation
Project Monitoring
H&M Staff that worked on this project:
Ken Humiston, P.E. , Project Manager /Project Engineer
Brett D. Moore, P.E., Assistant Project Manager
Mohamed Dabees, Ph.D., P.E., Regional & local coastal process modeling, nearshore and inlet morphology modeling.
Steve Foge, Monitoring & Data Analysis