" Restoring Beaches as Natural Coastal Systems "
Snake Island Stabilization Project (2006-2014)
Snake Island is located in the flood shoal area of Venice Inlet in Sarasota County, Florida. The Island had been chronically eroding since the 1970’s, losing approximately 80% of its surface area between 1977 and 2013. H&M completed a regional modeling and inlet management update for Venice Inlet in 2008. The 2008 model study recommended stabilization of Snake Island which shelters the Intercostal waterway from rapid shoaling and has archaeological value as it holds historic artifacts. Snake Island stabilization project consisted of erosion control structures and approximately 5,000 CY of beach fill to restore and stabilize the eroding shoreline. The project restored Snake Island close to its 2005 conditions. The project construction was completed in the spring of 2014.
Project Tasks Included:
Regional Model study
Inlet Management Plan
Sand Compatibility Analysis
Inlet and Nearshore Processes Modeling
Long-term Inlet Evolution Modeling
Wave and sediment transport modeling
Analysis of erosion control alternatives
Coordination with State Historic Preservation Office
Construction Observation
Scope Included:
Alternatives Analysis
Design and Permitting
Contract Documents & Specifications
Construction Observation
Project Monitoring
H&M Staff that worked on this project:
Brett D. Moore, P.E., Project Manager/Project Engineer
Mohamed Dabees, Ph.D., P.E., Regional & local coastal process modeling, nearshore and inlet and beach morphology modeling.
Marc Damon, Coastal Engineer, Project design, Compatibility analysis, borrow area design, modeling and technical support
Michael Mann, Field Engineer, technical support, construction observation QA/QC compliance.
Steve Foge, Quality control, data coordination, monitoring & analysis